
A temple is a place where lovers meet.

A long time ago, this meant the marriage of our mirrored natures: receptive and resistant, feminine and masculine, lunar and solar. These polarities may seem like opposing forces, however they can be balanced when their true qualities are recognised.

Egyptian temples were places where the gods lived on Earth. For thousands of years, these sanctuaries celebrated the wedding of spirituality and sexuality in the Great Work. These alchemical forces sustained the gods and allowed them to play their reproductive roles. Ecstatic temple rituals were seen as necessary for the gods to uphold Ma’at, the divine order of the universe.

This blog then, is really an attempt to stoke a fire which in Egypt burned through the rise and fall of empires. Happily, the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the temples of the Nile preserve this legacy. Most famously, Luxor hints at the Anthropocosm—cosmic man. If you read on, this tradition may start to blossom inside you. Rainer Maria Rilke writes:

No matter how deeply I go into myself
My God is dark, and like a webbing made
Of a hundred roots that drink in silence.

Religion is an attempt to describe divinity. In Hermeticism this effort is abandoned and replaced by a union with God directly—the recursive balance of real and imaginary, simplicity and complexity. Nowhere is the universe better depicted than in the dark roots of the mercurial fractal often referred to as the unmanifest unconscious:

Above: the aether, the fifth element, the quintessence, the world tree

We know very little about the ancient people that gave birth to dynastic Egypt. Were they white, brown or black? Delightful, dangerous or devout? If they enslaved the Jews, one of the smartest races on Earth, how advanced were they? How did the conflicting yet complimentary forces of a river and a desert give rise to such a high culture?

The Nile was always been a fickle mistress. Later dynasties had to deal with feasts and famines even as the desert advanced. Like a mirage, Egypt has always been a mystery. After all, what are we referring to—the Old Kingdom? Egypt under the Persians? The Greeks? The Romans? Like a shimmering enigma, the secrets of this empire have been steadily receding for thousands of years—the last glimmer was the Temple of Isis at Philae, six centuries after Christ:

Much later, when the bones of Egypt were bleached white by the desert sun, there was still something left behind—their sacred geometry. This informed not just their art and architecture but also their understanding of consciousness itself. Geometry, it turns out, has far more profound applications than just the profane realms of mathematics.

I searched for God and found only myself.
I searched for myself and found only God.

While this road can now be accessed by anyone, it used to be the exclusive domain of the elite. No longer! Once you have taken the fertile principles of the universe to heart, then you will come to understand its fractal nature. Nowhere is this recursive beauty better depicted than in the sacred water lily—the blue Egyptian lotus:

I am an adventurous traveller, a midnight blogger and a mad foodie. On August 22, 2022 I visited Palenque, México. This amazing complex reminded me that enlightenment is not a journey towards the light, but rather an acceptance of the darkness. This challenging insight happened at Temple XIX which you can access if you’re willing to break a few rules. The atmosphere of this Sun Emergence House is profound.

Western culture is all about doing. Since my time in México however, I have begun to accept that life is actually about being; I’m coming to trust that my presence is the most valuable part of me. Slowly, I am developing the courage to be grateful—in spite of it all. We are all just living fractals in a recursive universe.

You are marvellous
The gods wait to delight in you.
Charles Bukowski

Sacred geometry inspires us to access the most profound truths. Long derided as the legacy of primordial man, its real benefit is how to live life—a modality based on balance. Because it involves the psychological interpretation of geometry, it invites us to harmonise the universe and the soul. This is the state of grace we call enlightenment.

So alchemy is based on our willingness to wed our mirrored natures and discover that psychological opposites can, in fact, be reconciled. This is the hero’s journey at the heart of the universe—having the courage to embrace the darkness.

Scribe. Geometer. Alchemist.