The soul star

Egyptian magick was born from the black arts of the Nile.

This wisdom taught that there are three consciousness centres within the human body. In falling order, these notes sound the musical chord of the brain, heart and gut. This is the Mer-Ka-Ba of the Egyptians which must be united as light, sprit and soul.

The crown chakra is symbolised by the rhombic dodecahedron. This convex polyhedron has 12 congruent rhombic faces. As an expression of the cosmos, this shape was revered by the Egyptians:

The heart chakra is located at the centre of the chest. Its main colour is green and it is most associated with the air element of spirit. Anahata is all about love and the flow of emotional sharing between ourselves and others. Through the heart, we feel as part of a bigger unity of all life and realise that we are all joined by an intricate web of relationships. As a symbol of the heart, the octahedron has eight faces:

Above: eight deals with harmony, balance and justice

The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, represents the stability of soul. Since the cube is the most stable platonic solid and roots love to grow in the Earth, it strongly resonates as the “root of existence”. Muladhara is considered the foundation of the “energy body”.

Yogic systems stress the importance of stabilising this chakra and Kundalini awakening begins here. This number also brings stability and drive, meaning that goals can be successfully achieved. This is the base significance of a sexahedron because it could be inverted to form a rhombic dodecahedron.

So we can convert the three consciousness centres above to the numbers 12, 8 and 6 as a function of the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron, octahedron and cube. The rhombicuboctahedron has 26 faces—12 rectangular, 8 triangular and 6 square. If all the rectangles are themselves rhombuses (in purple) it is an Archimedean solid:

Above: 26 is the atomic number of iron (a rhombicuboctahedral graph)

The rhombicuboctahedron can be found in the depths of Hermetic philosophy, Renaissance art and the Jewish Kabbalah. This shape symbolises the way that Creation expresses reality through us—and the key to connect to our own divinity. The rhombicuboctahedron then, embodies the unity of power, love and passion (the rhombic dodecahedron, octahedron and cube) to imply a secret fourth:

One becomes two,
Two becomes three
And out of the third
Comes the One
As the fourth.

—Mary the Prophetess

26 has many amazing properties but as a harmonic of eight is really means the infinite consciousness of the High Heart. Here we realise that the Soul Star is implied within the orthogonal projection of the rhombicuboctahedron—the recognition that our personal soul is a fractal of the universal soul. This is the Merkaba or eight-pointed star:

One of the most powerful ways of embodying this wholeness is through sex magick. This is aimed at altering the magician’s energy in such a way that it joins the lower and higher realms. In effect, they were inviting the life force to take up permanent residence within their bodies. They were not letting an orgasm dissipate—rather they were inviting their sexual and spiritual energies to unite.

When is the best time to try sex magick? Well, the Moon represents the most intimate sides of ourselves—our emotions, moods and instincts. Each lunar cycle begins with a new moon, which then waxes for about two weeks until it climaxes on a full moon. The new moon brings us a clean slate on a monthly basis that allows us to reset, recharge and refocus. A new moon is the first phase of a new lunar cycle during which it aligns with the Sun and is virtually invisible in the night sky. Because new moons take place at the very start of the lunar cycle, they bring the energy of fresh starts.

A full moon represents the climax of the lunar cycle. This occurs when the Moon is opposite the Sun in the zodiac and is therefore fully-illuminated by its light. Full moons are even more notorious than new moons in mainstream culture because they’re often associated with chaos. While new moons are ideal for setting goals and beginning new projects, full moons are more about bringing tasks to fruition. Sex magic then, is best performed between these two lunar phases.

On the other hand, when the moon is waning we’d be well advised to angle our inclinations towards ridding ourselves of things. The waning moon is a great time to work towards getting over someone—either an ex, a toxic friendship or even the loss of a loved one. Waning moons have a subtle power because they remove blocks to our success.

Above: sexual energy is perfectly natural, readily available and incredibly powerful

So if we are true alchemists, we can use our sexual desires to manifest our financial, professional and romantic dreams. To begin with, we should keep it simple—our feelings and appetites should inspire our orgasms. The more we use emotions that we can relate to, the better our chances of success. As we become more aware of our subtle addictions, we can use a waning moon to sever any lingering attachments.

So sex magick awakens the divine within us and reconnects us with Source, bringing us back to the home we never left and the wisdom we never forgot. It lets us see ourselves and our partners as the amazing beings we truly are. Above all, sex magick is fun, intimate and exciting—traits we should bring to all aspects of our lives.

While we think of the word “arousal” in terms of sex, we should also understand it in the context of money and other assets. Money for the wealthy is often desired, cultivated and cherished. Excitement then, is a much broader idea than we might imagine. By translating our lust into heavenly desires we can manifest virtually anything.

Whether your orgasm is a brief spasm or a rolling wave that goes on for longer, there are moments where you blank out. This shudder of pure ecstasy is really a powerful trance. Combine this bliss with the simplest of mantras and you invite revelation—an experience called the whole body orgasm.

This bliss is not just the profane passion of the loins, but an occult power aligned with the profound presence of the cosmos. This unity inflames our beings with the knowledge of pure consciousness.