Bizarre love triangle

Life arises from deep within:

The sacrum resembles a rearing cobra with a flared hood. This triangular “holy bone” is found between the wings of the pelvis. In Egypt, the snake conveyed royalty, immortality and divinity and was called the Uraeus. As a medical symbol, cobras represented life itself—the magical umbilical cord uniting the mundane with the mystical.

The holes in the sacrum are called the sacral foramina. They provide an opening for the sacral nerves and blood vessels to pass through the bone. In other words, a bit like the number eight and the number eleven expressed in terms of each other. Combined, they signify the “life force” that the ancient Egyptians recognised within the triangle:

In geometry, a simplex is so-named because it represents the simplest possible polytope made from line segments in any given dimension. This is the “V” behind the concept of the Holy Trinitythe fundamental shape that inspires our world. The triangle then, is like the tip of Excalibur (spirit) thrusting into the stone (flesh).

Duality implies nonduality—the belief that there is just one eternal Source in existence and that everything in the fractal universe is an inseparable part of it. In mathematics, “fractal” is a term used to describe geometric shapes containing detailed structure at arbitrarily small scales, usually having a fractal dimension strictly exceeding the topological dimension. This is the universal self-similar kernel that looks like a rearing serpent:

What colour is the universe? Well, infrared  is “invisible light” that makes up most of the energy hitting Earth’s surface. This electromagnetic radiation has a longer wavelength than visible light and therefore doesn’t activate the photoreceptors in our eyes. If infra means “below,” we might say that the feminine and masculine snakes are the energy and momentum aspects of the cosmic infrared background made up of waves and particles.

Above: the spinning triangle creates polarity—the circles and squares

As creation is sounded, the Sri Yantra pattern appears. This “Yantra of Creation” blossoms as RA is intoned. The word yantra means “geometric mantra” often seen in cymatics. At the centre is the Bindu or “dot” which in maths is the alpha or “unit” that makes up figurate numbers. The Egyptian magicians drew 0D like this:

If we imagine the spinal cord as a straight line, then we can take the 19 vertebra of the 1D cervical and thoracic spine and arrange them in 2D. In other words, we can start to play around with multidimensional shapes that have 19 units. Here we are reminded of the geometry of the sacrum that can be expressed like this:

Going a step further, this 2D centred triangle can be rearranged into a 3D octahedron:

And a 4D rhombic dodecahedron:

The rhombic dodecahedron above can be truncated into a rhombicuboctahedron. This “seat of the soul” is the catalyst for deepening our relationship with the universe. Once we recognise the geometric origin of the Tree of Life, we experience more coherence. So the rhombicuboctahedron can be seen above and below:

This eighth chakra is the gateway between the anima and the anima mundi. Activating the Soul Star  within this shape gives us heightened spiritual awareness and compassion. The higher self is deemed to be the best version of ourselves, so when we embody it we can reassess our decisions with more spiritual depth.

In a profound sense then, the number 19 represents the way life expresses itself inter-dimensionally. This is how the lower, middle and higher realms reflect our subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds (instinct as emotion as thought). Here we are reminded of the 19 central circles in The Flower of Life:

So the”master switch” of consciousness is at the base of the spine. Kundalini translates from Sanskrit as “coiled snake” and describes the dormant energy that lies curled in the belly. When this powerful force is activated, we become aware of our divine nature and our connection to the universe. We understand that consciousness is omnipresent as we expand beyond our physical limits.

Diaphragmatic breathing in humans encourages a full gas exchange—the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide. Not surprisingly, this belly breathing slows the heartbeat and lowers blood pressure. This process also activates the vagus nerve, which is part of the parasympathetic nervous system. This leads to less mental chatter and more profound states.

So by arousing our willpower with tantric breathing we are giving birth to a dot, a line, a triangle, an octahedron and a rhombic dodecahedron. Where should we focus our attention? Well, the thymus (Vyapini) is located between the throat (Vishuddha) and the heart (Anahata). Spiritually, this eighth chakra gives rise to the high heart of peace, bliss and unconditional love that can only be experienced by the death of the ego.

Spiro ergo prospero—I breathe therefore I prosper.

The high heart chakra is the gateway to Christ Consciousness. Christ energy is the awareness of your higher self which is the mediator between your soul and the I AM presence. It is eventually accessible to everyone—the spiritual light emanating from Source can be merged with our individualised consciousness.