The Merkaba

A cube has six faces:

The easiest way to derive a tetrahedron from a cube with sides of 1 is to draw two diagonal lines of √2 across opposite faces at 90° to one another. By joining the tips the resulting tetrahedron has four sides of equilateral triangles:

If we use opposite corners of the same two faces of the square, we can create another tetrahedron in the same way. Viewed from below it looks like this:

These two triangle shapes can be combined to form a star tetrahedron (or half the volume of the cube):

As a compound of two regular tetrahedra, the star tetrahedron is sometimes referred to as the stella octangula or “eight-pointed star”. It remains the only stellation of the octahedron. Viewing it from above though, only shows seven points:

Why is this shape significant? Another word for the star tetrahedron is the Merkaba. It harmonises opposing energy, much like the Yin/Yang symbol. The Star of David is a 2D version which was painted on the shields of the armies of King David as a symbol of divine protection. The star tetrahedron steps is an invocation of the phrase “as above, so below”. Here is a representation surrounding the human body:

Spinning stars are believed to be the same divine light vehicle used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. It is thought by many that the “chariots of fire” mentioned in the Bible are these same vehicles.

When your Merkaba is active you are locked into the Earth’s living matrix. Your DNA is fully turned on and the potential for immortality is there. Your body heals itself and you have the invitation for limitless creation. Seen from above you can start to appreciate Ezekiel’s famous vision of the Divine Throne with its “wheels within wheels”:

Your soul is in constant communication with all of Source. It is your creative matrix that allows you to align your soul intention with God. Like a crystal, it can be programmed through meditation and by setting your intention. Here we arrive at love, a way of being that takes this process further with the arrival of the dodecahedron. Below we can see that there are five ways to inscribe a regular tetrahedron into a regular dodecahedron:

Illumination is when the human body is reborn via the Merkaba.