The ouroboros

The ouroboros is an ancient Egyptian symbol of a serpent eating its tail: There are two factors at work above: corruption and rejuvenation. These two apparently opposite forces result in the eternal swirl of the ouroboros: after birth we grow...

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The Merkaba

A cube has six faces: The easiest way to derive a tetrahedron from a cube with sides of 1 is to draw two diagonal lines of √2 across opposite faces at 90° to one another. By joining the tips the resulting tetrahedron has four sides of...

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Osiris was the evergreen Prince of Peace: His name was the Latinised form of the Egyptian Wesir  which was interpreted as "powerful" or "mighty". He presided over the organic cycle of deaths and rebirths that a normal person experiences in...

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The Nile chakras

Egypt is not a country you live in—it lives within you. Art thou aware that Egypt is the image of heaven, or rather, that it is the projection below of the order of things above? If the truth must be told, this land is indeed the temple of...

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The third eye

The brain can be reimagined as a vagina: Anatomically, the pituitary is an evagination of the reservoir of spinal fluid that we call the third ventricle. In this respect it is very like the uterus in being a hollow cavity. The pituitary...

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Ma’at & Anubis

Maat is the symbol for truth, balance and lightness of spirit. She is the divine, female energy of truth that flows through us all. In the image above, she arises and connects us with the universe. In the background is Anubis who stands...

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The divine feminine

Mahatma Gandhi once said, "God has no religion". Above: the sunset chapel in Acapulco Sadly, if your beliefs are based on a male God, male prophets or male priests then you as a worshipper are lost. This is bad news for most Christians,...

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The morning star

Venus is referred to as "the morning star". She was named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus lies within Earth's orbit so she never appears to venture too far from the Sun. As a fixture in human culture since her namesake...

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The sacred breath

Alchemical art has long mystified casual observers. Really, though, it is all about the breath. On a spiritual level, breath is the carrier wave of life itself—the sacred bridge between spirit and matter and the chariot of the soul. The word...

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Viva la vida

In the tomb painting below, Nefertari is reborn to eternal life: The nose is the most sacred organ in the body because it metabolises our consciousness. Hinting at an Egyptian version of royal pranayama, it clears our physical, emotional and...

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